§ 1.5-502.5. Probationary period.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Each new employee who has been appointed to a regular position shall serve a probationary period of at least twelve (12) months. Each new employee who has been appointed to a regular position as firefighter or sworn police officer is required to serve a probationary period of at least eighteen (18) months. Employees who receive a promotion or who transfer from one department to another will be required to serve a new probationary period in the new position. The probationary period starts with the date of appointment. Probationary employees are not eligible for any general or equity pay increase until the completion of their probationary period. However, after the passing of twelve (12) months from the date of their appointment, employees appointed to regular positions as firefighters or sworn police officers shall be eligible for a general or equity pay increase. Probationary employees are not eligible for promotional pay increases until they have served at least six (6) months in their current job position.


    The probationary period gives the supervisor or department head an opportunity to observe the employee on the job so a determination may be made as to whether the employee is capable and willing to perform the required duties in a satisfactory manner.


    At the end of the probationary period, the employee may be assigned to a regular position status providing his/her work has been considered satisfactory.


    At any time during the probationary period, the department head may terminate the employment of any probationary employee within their department, with or without just cause, and said probationary employee shall not be entitled to the due process procedures afforded non-probationary employees as provided for by chapter 10 of this title.


    The probationary period for any new employee, or for any existing employee who has received a promotion, or a transfer from one department to another, may be extended by the department head of the department in which the employee works, or by the mayor. For a new department head, the probationary period may be extended by the mayor, or by majority vote of the city council. Any probationary period extension as provided for herein shall not exceed a six-month period.

(Ord. No. 60-2010-11, § 1, 2-3-11; Ord. No. 24-2012-13, § 1, 11-1-12; Ord. No. 60-2012-13, § 1, 1-29-13)

Editor's note

Section 2 of Ord. No. 24-2012-13, adopted November 1, 2012, states the following: "The amendment set forth above [in subsection a. of this section] shall be applied retroactively as of the enactment of Ordinance 88-2008-09 (effective date, July 8, 2009), which lengthened police officers' and firefighters' probationary period to eighteen (18) months. Therefore, the amendment shall apply to police officers and firefighters appointed to their positions on or subsequent to July 8, 2009."