§ 5-1211. Duties and responsibilities of operators, entertainers and employees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The operator shall maintain a register of all employees, showing the name, the aliases used by the employee, home address, age, birth date, sex, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, telephone number, social security number, driver license number, date of employment and termination, and duties of each employee, and such other information as may be required by the board. The above information on each employee shall be maintained in the register on the premises for a period of three (3) years following termination.


    The operator shall make the register of employees available immediately for inspection by the board and/or police department upon demand of the board or police department at all reasonable times.


    Every act or omission by an employee constituting a violation of the provisions of this part shall be deemed the act or omission of the operator if such act or omission occurs either with the authorization, knowledge, or approval of the operator, or as a result of the operator's negligent failure to supervise the employee's conduct, and the operator shall be punishable for such act or omission in the same manner as if the operator committed the act or caused the omission.


    An operator shall be responsible for the conduct of all employees while on the licensed premises, and any act or omission of any employee constituting a violation of the provisions of this part shall be deemed the act or omission of the operator for purposes of determining whether the operator's license shall be revoked, suspended or renewed.


    No employee of an adult-oriented establishment shall allow any minor to loiter around or to frequent an adult-oriented establishment or to allow any minor to view adult entertainment as herein defined.


    Every adult-oriented establishment shall be physically arranged in compliance with T.C.A. § 7-51-1403.


    The operator shall be responsible for and shall provide that any room or area used for the purpose of viewing adult-oriented motion pictures or other types of live adult entertainment shall be readily accessible at all times and shall be continuously opened to view in its entirety.


    The license shall be conspicuously displayed in the common area of the premises at all times.


    The permit shall be kept by an employee, entertainer, or escort so that it is readily available for display immediately upon request of a customer, any member of the city police department, or any person designated by the board.

(Ord. No. 24-1999-00, 9-7-00; Ord. No. 22-2002-02, § 11, 10-3-02)