§ 1-1902. Clarksville Parking Commission composition; eligibility for appointment; term; vacancy during unexpired term.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Composition. The Clarksville Parking Commission shall be composed of five (5) members.


    Eligibility for appointment. No person shall be eligible for appointment to the Clarksville Parking Commission unless he or she has been a resident of the City of Clarksville for at least one (1) year preceding the date of his or her appointment. No former elected mayor or city council member, or current regularly compensated officer or employee, other than one (1) current member of city council, shall be eligible for appointment to the commission until at least one (1) year after the expiration of the term of such person's public office or employment with the city. No former Clarksville Parking Commission member who has served two (2) consecutive, full terms shall be eligible for reappointment to the commission until two (2) years have passed since the expiration of his or her previous term.


    Appointment of commission members. The mayor shall appoint the members of the Clarksville Parking Commission, subject to the approval of the city council by majority vote. One member of the Clarksville Parking Commission shall be a current member of the city council. If a nominee is not approved by majority vote of the city council, then the mayor shall nominate another person until such nominee has been approved by a majority vote of the city council.


    Term. Members of the Clarksville Parking Commission shall serve a two-year term. Members of the Clarksville Parking Commission may serve up to two (2) full, consecutive terms. The term for the city council member appointed to the Clarksville Parking Commission shall be for a period of two (2) years during his or her term as a city council member and shall be coterminous with his or her term as a city council member. For the first commission appointed, three (3) members shall be appointed for a term period of two (2) years, and two (2) members shall be appointed for a term period of one (1) year, in order for the commission members to have staggered terms. Thereafter, all subsequent term periods shall be for a period of two (2) years.


    Residency. Members of the Clarksville Parking Commission must maintain their residency within the limits of the City of Clarksville during their term(s) of service. If a member of the commission moves out of the limits of the City of Clarksville during his or her term of service on the commission, their membership shall be vacated and a new member shall be appointed to fill the unexpired term of the vacated member.


    Vacancy before expiration of term. If any member of the Clarksville Parking Commission resigns from, is removed from, or ceases to be a member of the commission before the expiration of his or her term, the mayor shall appoint a new member to serve the remainder of the unexpired term, subject to city council approval. For purposes of computing a term, the filling of an unexpired term shall not count toward the two (2) full consecutive terms limit.

(Ord. No. 14-2015-16, § 1, 9-3-15)