§ 10-226. Posting advertising signs.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Prohibited if view of traffic obstructed. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain at or near any main crossing or intersection of the public highways or any railroad crossing, or sharp curve therein, inside the corporate limits, any outdoor advertising sign, structure or device in such manner as to interfere with the free and unobstructed view of traffic on the public highways.


    Citation. The coordinator of fire prevention/building codes, or his designated representative, may issue a citation to any individual deemed to be in violation of this section.


    Exception. Nothing contained in any of the foregoing subsections shall prohibit the location and placement of benches, shelters, or other similar equipment or facilities in the public right-of-way when utilized in conjunction with a public transportation system.

(1963 Code, § 19-32; Ord. No. 7-1985-86, 8-1-85; Ord. No. 9-1988-89, 10-6-88; Ord. No. 27-1993-94, 12-2-93; Ord. No. 47-1993-94, 3-3-94)

Cross reference

Signs prohibited near crossings, intersections, etc., § 12-107.